
“The performance of the talented singer Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie on the stage of Bolshoi Theatre was a success”

Замечательная вокалистка Анна Горбачева-Огилви предстала на сцене Большого театра в образе волшебницы Альцины в знаменитой опере, созданной Г. Ф. Генделем. Обладательница прекрасного сопрано покорила зал, поклонники классики по достоинству оценили великолепный тембр ее чарующего голоса.

A remarkable singer Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie appeared on the stage of Bolshoi Theatre as a sorceress Alcina in Handel’s famous opera. The owner of a wonderful soprano conquered the audience who relished the beautiful timbre of her enchanting voice. / 24.10.2018

Выступление талантливой вокалистки Анны Горбачевой-Огилви с успехом прошло на сцене Большого театра. Она блестяще исполнила партию Альцины в прекрасном оперном произведении Г. Ф. Генделя, покорив столичных театралов роскошным голосовым диапазоном. Сопрано Анны Горбачевой-Огилви восхищаются любители классики во всем мире.

The performance of the talented singer Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie on the stage of Bolshoi Theatre was a success. She brilliantly sang the role of Alcina in Handel’s opera, having conquered the Moscow theatre goers with her luxurious voice range. / 22.10.2018

“Anna Gorbachyova’s vocal abilities are unique”

It is difficult to find in the history of opera a part as wonderful as Cleopatra. Anna Gorbachyova was born to sing this role. She was able to express the complexity of the character through her voice. Each aria required the singer to express all the colours and emotions that her character experienced at that moment. And it’s not about simple emotions like joy or anger but about rather more subtle states: power, mockery, lust, unshakeable faith, rebellion … Gorbachyova’s vocal abilities are unique. Her virtuosity, or more precisely the boldness and very pure intonation of her voice made a great impression on me.

“Koncertowo, czyli świetnie!”  By Aleksandra Kujawiak / / 23.09.2018

…in this role [Cleopatra] was the amazing Anna Gorbachyova, a world class singer who graduated from the Royal Academy of Music.

„Juliusz Cezar w Egipcie”, czyli mocne rozpoczęcie sezonu w Teatrze Wielkim w Poznaniu / / 25.09.2018

“Radiant voice of Anna Gorbachyova… impeccable line of singing… and absolute investment in the drama”

Comme Dieter Kaegi est aussi le directeur de la maison, on lui doit, en outre, d’avoir veillé à l’essentiel : une excellente distribution, dominée par la voix rayonnante d’Anna Gorbachyova dans le rôle-titre. Formée à Londres, la soprano russe gravit, depuis huit ans, la côte ascendante d’une carrière internationale, ligne de chant impeccable et investissement dramatique absolu.

Opéra Magazine / April 2018

Anna Gorbachyova ist eine Iolanta von Königsgnaden. Ihr dunkel schwebender Sopran scheint aus einer anderen Welt zu kommen. Tief schwingt ihr Organ im Brust- ton und setzt klare Akzente im Forte. Ihre Darstellung einer Blinden, die zur Sehenden wird, berührt tief.

Berner ZeitungFebruar, 12 / 2018

Anna Gorbachyova brilliert mit mädchenhafter Fragilität und mitreissendem Spiel. Ihr höhensicherer Sopran mit der klangvollen Mittellage kennt keine Schwierigkeiten. So wird die Szene, in der sie sich wünscht, das Licht, die Sonne und den Himmel zu sehen, zum vokalen Höhepunkt. Hier wächst die Sängerin über sich hinaus.

Solothurner Zeitung / By Silvia Rietz / 13.02.2018

Anna Gorbachyova brilliert in jeder Beziehung.

Solothurner Zeitung / By Silvia Rietz / 13.02.2018

Anna Gorbachyowa schafft das Kunststück, diese Märchengestalt äusserst glaubhaft darzustellen – und stimmlich meistert sie die Partie bravourös.

NZZ am Sonntag / 18.02.2018

…Anna Gorbachyova als höchst eindringliche Iolanta.

Bieler Tagblatt / 26.02.2018

Anna Gorbachyowa schafft das Kunststück, diese Märchen- gestalt äusserst glaubhaft darzustellen – und stimmlich meistert sie die Partie bravourös.

NZZ am Sonntag / 18.02.2018

Anna Gorbachyova has a creamy powerfulvoice with a wide range and well supported high notes. In her first scene arioso, «Otchego eto prezhde ne znala», she convincingly conveys her sadness and feeling of something missing. Often sung by sopranos with a heavier voice, the role benefited from the casting of a lighter, higher voice, to suit the innocence of the character. / Mai 2018

Queen Cleopatra … was wearing a shimmering dressed of burnished gold in which she looked so sensual that one could not take one’s eyes off her as she crossed the stage with a firm, regal step. It was hard to control one’s emotions when she sang with such deep, wide-ranging feeling and charmed the audience with the beauty of her voice and presence.

“The Passenger” in Florida Grand Opera

Although the stars of the evening were the soloists, especially… Anna Gorbachyova, in the role of Katya; her Russian song a cappella in the second act is worth the price of the admission.

“La pasajera’, la belleza contra el olvido y el horror…” By Daniel Fernández / el Nuevo Herald /4.04.2016

A standout was soprano Anna Gorbachyova, playing the tall, frail Katja. …breaking the tension with a wonderful Russian folk song, Gorbachyova’s voice was as light and soft as it was expressive with the pretty a cappella aria.

“Florida Grand Opera’s Telling Of ‘Passenger’ Dramatic” By Steve Gladstone / / 7.04.2016

…the splendid Russian soprano Anna Gorbachyova as Katja, who with her even and well projected voice sang a Russian song that “made our hair stand on end”…
[La primera, la espléndida soprano rusa Anna Gorbachyova como Katja, quien con voz uniforme y bien proyectada hizo una canción rusa que nos dejó “los pelos como escarpias”.]

“Crítica: “La Pasajera” de Miezcyslav Weinberg hace historia en la Florida Grand Opera” By Pedro J. Lapeña Rey / / 11.04.2016

…Honorable mention goes to Anna Gorbachyova as Katya, in charge of the Russian song a cappella You my valley…

“Passengers of the Nightmare” By Sebastian Spreng / / 3.04.2016

…Gorbachyova was splendid, showing off a voice of exceptional evenness and presence that won her well-deserved acclaim at the curtain call.

“Brilliant, absorbing “The Passenger” marks FGO milestone” By Greg Stepanich / / 3.04.2016.

…As the Russian inmate Katja, the soprano Anna Gorbachyova gave one of the most dramatic performances of the evening. Her shaved head bloody from beatings, she sang with a lyricism that communicated vulnerability and strength, as she defied the Germans while retain her humanity and concern for the other inmates.

“FGO’s “The Passenger” proves a gripping and spectacular experience” By David Fleshler / / 3.04.2016


…Ms. Gorbachyova’s voice was splendidly rich and powerful, and could be easily heard above the carefully modulated orchestra…

…the soprano Gorbachyova sang one of the most poignant and moving airs of the evening…

HANDEL A FEAST AT ABS BELVEDERE CONCERT By Joanna Bramel Young / / 26.02.2016


…it was there where we heard a wonderful voice of Anna Gorbachyova’s, who sang the part of one of the pilgrims…

“Handelian Boom in Moscow” By Ekaterina Biryukova / / 15.04.2016

“The Passenger” by Mieczysław Weinberg at the Michigan Opera Theatre

…as in prisoner Katja’s haunting rendering of a half-remembered Russian folk song, given luminous voice in an astonishing performance by Anna Gorbachyova.

“The Passenger” / / 14.11.2015

…Siberian-born soprano Anna Gorbachyova as Katja… perform exquisitely.

“MOT’s “The Passenger” may be best the company has ever produced” By David Kiely / / 15.11.2015

…Another highlight was Anna Gorbachyova’s Katja, a prisoner who sings a soaring Russian folk song.

“MOT’s ‘Passenger’ is a nightmare journey into the past” / / 19.11.2015


…The Siberian-born Anna Gorbachyova sang beautifully and with perhaps a little more vigour than is usual for this music, painting not merely a mood of sadness and nostalgia but also a certain resentment at what had become lost.

“Ealing Symphony Orchestra/John Gibbons with Mark Bebbington and Anna Gorbachyova – Arnold 8, Strauss’s Parergon zur Sinfonia Domestica & Four Last Songs, Brahms 3” By Alan Sanders / / 11.10.2014


…Strauss’s sublime Four Last Songs were sung by the young Russian soprano Anna Gorbachyova, soaring radiantly over the orchestra with her top notes…

“Worthing Symphony Orchestra, Worthing Assembly Hall, November 10” By Richard Wilby / 12.11.2013


…and the richness of Anna Gorbachyova’s voice made impact despite her brief contribution.

“Welsh National Opera at Birmingham Hippodrome – Gordon Getty’s Usher House … Debussy’s La chute de la maison Usher” / 20.06.2014

…Anna Gorbachyova sings her song about “la plus verte de nos allées” very prettily.

“The Fall of the House of Usher, Welsh National Opera” By Stephen Walsh / 21.06.2014

…and Anna Gorbachyova made her mark with her brief song at the very beginning of the opera… She also was properly menacing as the ghost of Madeline, the projection of her baleful glance dominating the stage during the closing bars.

“Two Fine Manifestations of The Fall of the House of Usher” By Paul Corfield Godfrey / / 16.06.2014


…Gorbachyova managed the brief (and, in the circumstances, entirely appropriate) hysterics of Madeline beautifully.


…Special mention is well deserved by the 3 wood nymphs Anna Gorbachyova…whose trio in the beginning and in the last act are perfectly balanced, with resonant voices and very complementary.

“Pour 50 000 euros, t’as un opéra!” By Cédric Manuel / / 12.12.2014

…A special notice equally is to a trio of beautiful nymphs – Anna Gorbachyova…

“De Rome à Naples, la Saisons’ouvre par Temps de Crise” / / 20.12.2014

…Excellent were the first two nymphs — Anna Gorbachyova… — especially in the trio of the last act in which they display their sparkling voices … and proved to have good skills of phrasing …

“Roma — Teatro dell’Opera: Rusalka” By Michelangelo Pecoraro / / 2.12.2014

…Good were… Anna Gorbachyova … in the roles of the three forest Nymphes.

“Recensione di Rusalka a Roma” / / 14.12.2014

…“Brave” were the three nymphs Anna Gorbachyova … especially in the trio of the third act with a skilful phrasing that makes it bubbly and fresh.

“Rusalka – Teatro dell’Opera di Roma” / / 13.12.2014

…Delicious are the three forest Nymphs Anna Gorbachyova (Prima ninfa)… well mixed and vocally impeccable.

“Una Rusalka non val bene un’Aida” By Stefano Ceccarelli / / 13.12.2014


…The highlights of the evenings were, hawever, the soloists. The young soprano Anna Gorbachyova expressed great coloratura technique and above a sincere vitality in singing. Delightful was the performances of Handel’s aria «Oh, ecstasy for happiness … Myself I shall adore» from the opera Semele, superb were a demanding aria «Ah, Ruggiero crudel… Ombre pallide» from Handel’s opera Alcina and La Folie from the opera Platée by J. Ph. Rameau.

“In the sign of top Russian musicians” by Zdenka Weber /  / 5.10.2013


…Miss Gorbachyova is no newcomer — either to Vienna or to Musetta, which she has performed at the Hungarian State opera. She gave an excellent reading, with her warm lyric soprano easily filling the house, and winning grateful acclaim from her audience and colleagues.

“The young ensemble brings La bohème to life” By Moor Parker / / 17.02.2013


…The soloists were two renowned singers a soprano Anna Gorbachyova and a baritone Olafur Sigurdarson who mastered the challenging parts with brilliance.

“Städtepartner bieten einen großen Abend” By Gernot Lahr-Mische (Rhein Main Press)/ 08.04.2013


…The first four were closely bunched together — and Anna Gorbachyova could easily have been one of the three winners — a wonderfully gifted Russian soprano who studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London with Lillian Watson. She is also well on her way to a fine career.

“ Winners!” By Brian Dickey / / 29.09.2013


…The pompous Aretea’s aria from “Alcide”, which is based on Mozart’s bravura arias, she sings in captivating presentation with effortless coloratura.

[…Die pompöse Arie der Aretea aus „Alcide“, die sich an Bravourarien Mozarts orientiert, singt sie in fesselndem Vortrag mit mühelosen Koloraturen…]

“Musikalische Reise zum Zarenhof im Kulturzentrum Herne” By Konstanze Führlbeck (WAZ) / / 17.11.2013


…Young Anna Gorbachyova from the Urals. She has trained her voice with a rare melting at the Royal Academy of Music in London and was the actual discovery of the evening.

 “Igor Stravinskys ‘Le Rossignol&d’autres fables’: Lyon ist zum wichtigen neuen Opernstandort geworden” By Dagmar Wacker (Journal 21.Journalistiscer Mehrwert) / / 02. 05.2012


…The heroine is evidently Anna Gorbachyova, an angelic interpreter with a woodwind  timbre, but equally brilliant coloratura, beautifully luminous that  breathes all of life’s desires. 

 Le Rossignol et autres fables (I.Stravinsky — R.Lepage) Lyon / 2. 05.2012

Christophe Rousset and Anna Gorbachyova at the Patriarch’s Palace

The drive, the elegance, and the astonishing sound where old wind instruments come to the fore with the main attraction being the nasal tone of the bassoon are not the only qualities for which we should be grateful to Christophe Rousset. It was also his idea to invite Anna Gorbachyova to sing as a soloist. Last August this young singer was the mysterious first prize winner at the prestigious International Singing Competition for Baroque Opera Pietro Antonio Cesti in Innsbruck, Austria. A successful Baroque singer with a Russian surname – this is almost an oxymoron. Even at a time when historically accurate performance is in vogue, we still think that Baroque singers are those who simply do not have the voice for Verdi. “Pretty neat”, “quite stylish” – this is the kind of praise they usually receive.

With Gorbachyova the situation is entirely different. This is due to the fact that after graduating from the International Relations Department at the Ural State University she went to learn singing in Europe where she has mastered it rather well. She has already received a whole load of awards and is currently studying at the Royal Academy Opera in London.

She turned out to be an absolute revelation for the entire audience including the festival curator Alexey Parin, a major expert on singing voices. Despite its being a chamber concert, she caused a serious furore and had to perform the encore aria from Rameau’s Platée twice in a row. She has a beautiful, fresh, for the want of a better word – fragrant – soprano with faultless coloraturas complimented by a subtly stylized Baroque passion and an air of irony befitting a young woman of today. And, most importantly, hearing her sing – Rameau, and not Verdi – makes you think about the greatness of style and the greatness of the singer.

By Ekaterina Biryukova /

Sincere gratitude to Dmitriy Pobedash and his colleagues for the translation. – A.G.

…Christophe Rousset is a charming man and an alluring artist. His audience at Patriarch’s Palace found ample confirmation of that and were enchanted as much by maestro’s personality as by his art. Rameau – Rousset’s hallmark– reigned supreme over the night. Instrumental parts were followed by vocal ones – and that is where the listeners were in for a pleasant surprise. Anna Gorbachyova, a young singer from Yekaterinburg, became the discovery of the night and turned out to be a most gifted baroque vocalist. She received her schooling in the West, in the Royal Academy of Music in London. Having won quite a few awards at various vocal competitions, Anna Gorbachyova can boast an impressive record, but what really keeps her listeners fascinated is that she is a genuinely musical, skillful, and artistic singer. Gorbachyova’s suffering heroines from Rameau’s “Hippolyte et Arici”, “Dardanus”, and “Castor et Pollux” were remarkable, but it was the encore aria from “Platée” where Anna demonstrated amazing vocal acrobatics. Her audience will certainly remember her drive in performing fast fioriture, her supreme control in the upper register, and her delicate timbre. Now, after the exclusive performance at the Kremlin we are looking forward to seeing Anna Gorbachyova in the philharmonic hall where she may sing other roles as well.

“The Kremlin Surprises” By Evgenia Krivitskaya / /  24.11.2010


Click here to read Anna’s interview about books and music (Great library magazine – “Bolshaja Biblioteka”, Yekatherinburg) / Pages 2-8

…Revelation of the day, the soprano Anna Gorbachyova, concludes the master with an unexpectedly exciting performance. Only two pieces of the programme were, however, performed with extraordinary completeness of the timbral, technical and expressive means. Particularly, the great aria “Suis-je gentile ainsi? Obéissons quand leur voix appelle…” from “Manon” by Massenet seems to be the area most suitable for the development of her full-bodied and flexible instrument, bending with taste and precise agility. The highs are intense and bright, with “smalto” and volume; interpretation is appealing and relevant to the dramatic context. A similarly positive outcome was with “Padre, germani…” from “Idomeneo” by Mozart evidenced by a substantial “silence” of the master Bruson…

[Vera rivelazione della giornata, il soprano Anna Gorbachyova conclude la masterclass con una prova inaspettatamente entusiasmante. Solo due brani in programma, eseguiti tuttavia con straordinaria completezza di mezzi timbrici, tecnici ed espressivi. In particolare la grande aria “Suis-je gentile ainsi?… Obéissons quand leur voix appelle…” da “Manon” di Massenet, sembra il territorio più idoneo alla valorizzazione di uno strumento corposo e duttile, piegato con gusto e precisione all’agilità. Gli acuti sono intensi e luminosi, dotati di smalto e volume; l’interpretazione accattivante e pertinente al contesto drammaturgico. Un esito altrettanto positivo è quello di “Padre, germani, addio!” dall’ “Idomeneo” di Mozart, testimoniato da un sostanziale “silenzio” del maestro Bruson…]

“Repubblica di San Marino — Palazzo dei Congressi: III Concorso Internazionale di Canto “Renata Tebaldi” Masterclass di Renato Bruson” By Filippo Tadolini /

…The vocal highlight for me was probably Musetta. Anna Gorbachyova sang with great confidence and gave the sense that she knew exactly what she was doing. She came straight in on high notes without growing into it and ‘finding’ it like some singers do and was also a brilliant actress.

Opera Nights / 3.01.2011


…The young soprano Anna Gorbachyova with her beautiful timbre demonstrated a great talent and a keen sense of longing in the partly unexpectedly fine and light-flooded songs by Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky…

“Ein opulentes Bankett der Töne” By Peter Löw (Nuernberger Zeitung) / 16.09.2010


…Coupled with an excellent performance by the St Albans Symphony Orchestra and outstanding soloists soprano Anna Gorbachyova and baritone Toby Stafford-Allen the evening was one to remember.

“Choirs’ joint concert is perfect pairing” By John Manning /  Click here / 04.2011


…Anna Gorbachyova’s bright soprano rang out best.

“BBC Singers/Ensemble Bash/Masson – review” By Rian Evans (The Guardian) / / 05.06.2011

…Stravinsky’s rarely-performed Les Noces was the highlight of a concert in Bath Abbey, when festival director Joanna MacGregor and five of her piano masterclass students joined Ensemble Bash and Bath Camerata, with the exceptional young soprano Anna Gorbachyova…

“Festival highlights” (Blackmore Vale Magazine) / / 17.06.2011


La Calisto at the Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Music /

…Committed, passionate acting, highly competent vocally: the vocal ensemble! Anna Gorbachyova is a gorgeous Calisto with bright, nuanced sound and tremendous variety in acting!

“Irritationen der Liebe By Franz R. Stuke / / 08.2011


…Anna Gorbachyova, the winner of the 2010 singing contest, interprets the title character with youthful charm and warm soprano.

“Metamorphose unter dem Sternenhimmel” By Thomas Molke (Online Musik Magazin) / /08.2011

…The human feelings belong to blossoming soprano  Anna Gorbachyova and a light and sonorous Countertenor Benno Schachtners.  

“Sterne und jugendliche Stimmpracht” By Ursula Strohal (Tiroler Tageszeitung) / / 08.2011

…first-class ensemble of singers, of which Anna Gorbachyova as Calisto stood out with her radiant, refined timbre.

 “Ein Hoch dem Opern-Nachwuchs!” By Franz Gratl (Tiroler Krone) / 20.08.2011

…With her multi-layered voice, fantastic appearance and a lively interpretation, soprano Anna Gorbachyova surprised the jury of the competition in Innsbruck.

 …The winner, Siberian soprano Anna Gorbachyova, was a Calisto who gained security and communicative power along the performance, has always kept a great lyrical purity in the timbre (the lasts scene were wonderful).

 “Festa barroca al Tirol” By  Xavier Cester (El Punt Avui, Barcelona) /

… Anna Gorbachyova impressed as one of the Brides and the Nymph with the beauty and luminosity in the high register…

[“Anna Gorbachyova imponierte als eine der Bräute und als Nymphe mit irisierend schön gesungenen Höhen in einer von Vladimir Fedoseyev umsichtig-moderat geleiteten Aufführung”.]

 “Tod, Spott und Wahn. Uraufführung von Lera Auerbachs Oper «Gogol» am Theater an der Wien” by Frieder Reininghaus (Deutschlandradio) / / 16.11.2011